With the Thanksgiving season behind us and the end of the year rapidly approaching, I find myself once again flooded with reflection. This year has brought, undoubtedly, an immense amount of personal growth and transformations. I began the year in D.C, working for a Senator and preparing to travel to the Middle East in the summer. Like the rest of the world, life was quickly grounded back to my hometown in March, a place I had not spent more than 2 weeks in since graduating High School. An unexpected 6 months brought hard conversations with those I love most, reshaping of internal and external expectations, and lessons in communication. It taught (and is still teaching me) the value of quality time and that it is OK to slow down. It brought the little wins too, something I am still learning to appreciate. I read some great books. I had the chance to rethink my role in our political system and educate myself. I learned to cook some Indian food! I went on...